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1 hKemptville Mall

Service Description

Do you love being upside down? We know how tricky learning to handstand can be! That’s why we tailored this weekly handstand class, to help you finding that “sweet spot”! Our Handstand Class aims at giving you all the tools to get you flexible and strong enough for your handstand. The instructor will offer you step-by-step progressions, to understand the mechanics of the handstand and how to find and stay in your balance point. This class will have its focus on three main aspects of your handstand. * Conditioning: a sequence of exercises to strengthen and open your shoulders. * Alignment and shapes: drills and progressions to understand how to get not only a straight line but how to move your hips, shoulders and legs. * Dynamic Movement: practicing kicking up into the handstand. See Cancellation Policy Prerequisite: None. This class is for all levels

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • Kemptville Mall, 2600 County Rd 43, Kemptville, ON, Canada

Join us on the Wix App on your phone for purchasing memberships, scheduling classes and series and purchasing merchandise on-line.





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