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Class Descriptions & Prerequisites

​🌻 Pole Fitness

​🌻 Silks

​🌻 Hoop

​🌻 Trapeze

​🌻 Youth Program

​🌻 Drop-ins

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Pole Fitness


Come start your Pole Journey with us!

Intro to Pole Fitness

This is the first class for all beginners.

✅ Prerequisite: No physical fitness level required, and not afraid to try something fun and new.

Pole Fitness Level 1

In this level you will:

  • continue to build on the spins you learned in the “Intro to Pole Dance/Fitness” series,

  • learn some brand new spins,

  • start comboing the beginner spins,

  • learn to sit and stand on the pole,

  • start working on holding Inverted-V,

  • learn your first basic invert into bat and crucifix (as well as 4 exits) and earn you the official title of “Pole Ninja”.

✅ Prerequisite: Have taken the Intro to Pole Dance/Fitness Series.


NOTE: This is our old level 2&3 combined.

Pole Fitness Level 2

You will start to work on:

  • fundamental inverted moves like Gemini and Scorpio,

  • dynamic spins such as Angel Spin and Side V-Spin,

  • hangback and laybacks,

  • the basic pole climb,

  • getting into fun poses from the ground such as (but not limited to): martini sit, sunrise, starfish, superman and figurehead.

✅ Prerequisite: Pole Dance/Fitness Level 1 + be able to sit and stand on the pole, hold inverted crucifix with no hands and be able to kick Into (and hold) inverted-V unassisted.


NOTE: This is our old level 4&5 combined.

Pole Fitness Level 3

You will start to work on:

  • Gemini and Scorpio switches,

  • Spiral spin,

  • aerial inverts,

  • inverted moves like Butterfly and Brass Monkey,

  • Superman,

  • Shoulder mounts

  • comboing spins with angel spin (such as chair spin),

  • Level 2 posses from a Gemini hook, such as martini sit, sunrise, starfish, superman and figurehead.

  • 2 minutes of free flow at the end of every class incorporating the moves and transitions you have learned.

✅ Prerequisite: Pole Dance/Fitness Level 2 + be able to hold a gemini and scorpio with no hands, perform and hold a cross knee or cross ankle layback as well as climb to the top of the pole.


NOTE: This is our old level 6&7 combined.

Pole Fitness Level 4

You will start to work on:

  • extended butterfly,

  • Shoulder mount straddle,

  • spins such as cradle spin to butterfly,

  • step up mount (reiko or Flying K mount)

  • more entrances into superman,

  • Cupid,

  • 2 minutes of free flow at the end of every class incorporating the moves and transitions you have learned.

✅ Prerequisite: Pole Dance/Fitness Level 3 + be able to aerial invert, superman from at least 1 entrance off the floor, chair to angel spin, gemini climbs (at least 2 each side), cradle spin (crouching tiger) baby butterfly, flatline and brass monkey from the floor.

NOTE: This is our old level 8&9 combined.

Pole Fitness Level 5

You will start to work on:

  • Ayeshas and straight edge,

  • Aerial shoulder mounts,

  • Phoenix

  • Drops / flips / combos

  • Any fun new moves you may see on instagram (please send to instructor ahead of time to allow for proper preparation to teach it)

  • 2 minutes of free flow at the end of every class incorporating the moves and transitions you have learned.

✅ Prerequisite: Pole Dance/Fitness Level 4 + be able to do (and hold for at least 5 seconds) extended butterfly, shoulder mount straddle, cupid and step up mount to knee hook (Reiko mount).

NOTE: This is our old level 10+


Dynamics meets combinations.  Flips (flops?), drops, leaps and climbs ! This series will introduce you to dynamic pole moves and help you take your poling to the next level!

What to wear: Short tight shorts and tank top or sports bra, as we will be learning moves that require skin stick.


✅ Prerequisite: Must have a solid Gemini, Scorpio, flatline, handstand against a wall, shoulder mount straddle and be able to do a basic pole climb.

Sexy Heels

Come get your sexy on and have some fun learning a sultry, spicy, playful routine that’s guaranteed to turn heads. You will learn flirty floor moves, plus have an opportunity to develop your own flow style. By the end of this 8 week session you will have mastered sensual transitions, hair flips and sultry glances. Getting fit has never been so fun!

What to wear: Please wear short shorts and tank top or sports bra, as we will be doing moves that require skin stick. Heals are highly encouraged. Come dressed as sexy as you want!

✅ Prerequisite: Completed our 8 week Intro to Pole Fitness.


Note: There might be inverts in this series, but options will be given for anyone unable to invert.

Pole Trix Fusion

Got the trick down but curious about where to take it next? Ready to elevate your pole game? Join us and unleash your inner performer! Learn how to string together pole tricks with transitions and performance elements on both STATC & SPIN to create a unique and captivating routine. Discover the pathways into, out of, and around each move, and explore various styles to achieve seamless sequences. This class offers stylistic freedom, enabling you to add your personal flair and truly make it your own. Perfect for those aiming to perform, compete, or simply elevate their dance skills. Each week we’ll work on a new sequence and set it to music. With options and modifications for experience levels intermediate and above, you’ll feel confident and excited about where your pole journey can lead.

What to wear: Short tight shorts and a tank top or sports bra, as we will be learning moves that require skin stick

Optional: heels, kneepads.

✅ Prerequisite: Solid climb, able to hold Crucifix, as well as Gemini and Scorpio leg hangs.



Coming soon!

Beginner Silks

Coming Soon

Intermediate Silks

Coming Soon

Advanced Silks

Coming Soon



Coming soon!

Hoop Level 1

Coming Soon

Hoop Level 2

Coming Soon

Intermediate Hoop

Coming Soon

Intermediate Hoop Combos and Choreo

Coming Soon

Advanced Hoop

Coming Soon



Coming soon!

Intermediate Trapeze

Coming Soon

Youth Program


Coming soon!

Youth Mini Monkeys (6-8 yrs old)

Coming Soon

Youth Beginner (9+)

Coming Soon

Youth Intermediate (9+)

Coming Soon

Youth Advanced (9+)

Coming Soon



Coming soon!

Fun in the Sun - POLE

Coming Soon

Fun in the Sun - AERIAL

Coming Soon

Stretch and Mobility

Coming Soon

HardCORE Aerial Conditioning

Coming Soon

Aerial Hammock Yoga

Coming Soon

Radiant Rhythm & Movement

Coming Soon


Coming Soon

Join us on the Wix App on your phone for purchasing memberships, scheduling classes and series and purchasing merchandise on-line.





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